Law in everyday life

Law in everyday life
Project period: November 2021 – October 2024
Target group: Secondary school teachers
Coordinator: Forum for Freedom in Education (Croatia)
Partners of the project: Agrupamento de Escolas de Vilela (Portugal), Inova+ International (Portugal), Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci (Italy), University of Rijeka, Faculty of Law (Croatia), Pistes Solidaires (France)
The context
“No one is supposed to be ignorant of the law”, but who really knows it? If children’s ignorance of their rights and duties and of the law is certain, it is most probably because the adults around them don’t know the law either. Adults are often unaware of the legal rules that govern life in the ‘City’, but they never agree among themselves when it comes to justifying or explaining the rules that have been established. It therefore sometimes seems paradoxical to talk about “reminding young people of the law” or raising their awareness of the law, even though this law is far from always being mastered by adults.
Similarly, the law is one of the few subjects not taught in school, yet only citizens who know and understand basic legal concepts, principles and terms can fully promote democracy, support the rule of law and protect fundamental rights.
The objectives
« Law in Everyday Life » project aims to develop a framework for the development of basic legal literacy skills for students aged 14-18, which will prepare them for their future citizenship in a democratic society.
Thus, it will support teachers through the creation of teaching and learning materials ready to be used in classrooms and other educational settings.
It will promote examples of good practices developed through school projects that will contribute to introducing basic legal literacy into everyday teaching.