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2020 - LE.MO.N.


Virtual mobilities for all



Project period: September 2020 – February 2023
Target group:
– People with physical and mental disabilities participating in adult education
– Adult education organizations
– People working with people with disabilities
Coordinator: Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg (Germany)
Partners of the project: Pistes Solidaires (France), Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg (Germany), Pontydysgu SL (Turkey), Center for Intercultural Dialogue Association (Macedonia), Nexus Europe Ireland LTD (Ireland), Synergasia Enegon Politon.
Website: see the website




The context:
One of the most successful actions promoted by the Erasmus+ agency have been the mobilities. They allow people from all ages to do a study exchange, an internship, a voluntary work or a job in a foreign country, where they gain knowledge, valuable life-skills and an international experience. However, people facing mental and physical disabilities find it more difficult to participate in this kind of opportunities, as they have very limited opportunities where they can be assured a safe and accessible environment for them. The aim of this project is to support adult education organizations and those working with people with disabilities to promote virtual mobilities.

The objectives: (to develop a pilot the following actions)
– To create a framework of skills required by participants in virtual mobilities
– To create an online and hard copy Guidebook
– To create a toolkit for virtual mobilities for hosting organizations and trainers including tools, software, hardware and methods
– The development and organization of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)

The result:
After the implementation of the different activities, there will be a pilot testing which will present the results of the project. Following the piloting, there will be a report with the details of the outcomes and the potential increase in the possibilities to participate in the Erasmus+ program for people with disabilities, through virtual mobility.