EU CITIGEN’Z – Fostering a sense of belonging to the EU among young people of generation Z. Providing education about Europe and enhancing the sense of European identity among young individuals.
Project period: November 1, 2023-October 31, 2025
Coordinator: Pistes Solidaires
Partners of the project: Pistes Solidaires (France), Associacao Mais Cidadania (Portugal), University College Cork (Ireland), Yes Forum (Germany), Pina (Slovenia)
The context:
Young people expressed their need for a better education in Europe; according to Eurobarometer n° 455, 89% of them asked for a better education about Europe.
This necessity has evolved into an objective, specifically a youth-oriented objective within the EU’s Youth Strategy (the Youth Goals are the outcome of a process with over 50, 000 young people. They represent the views of young Europeans and are part of the EU Youth Strategy).
- Youth goal n° 1: Connecting the EU with the Youth
Foster the sense of youth belonging to the European project and build a bridge between the EU and young people to regain trust and increase participation’.
In addition to this request by young people, the Rule of Law appears to be increasingly threatened, thus undermining the legal, political, and economic foundations of the European Union. The Rule of Law is at the heart of a Union of equality, tolerance, and social equity, that is why we need to preserve it.
European citizens need to be as much the guardians of justice and of the fundamental values that unite them as Europe itself.
In this respect, they must be active citizens, aware of their rights and of what unites them.
This consciousness necessitates education on Europe, comprehension of the specificities of the European lifestyle on the global stage, and the embracing of one’s European citizenship.
The objectives:
EU CITIGEN’Z is a project that aims at educating youth on Europe, and promoting the development of European citizenship among young people and their civic participation in a dynamic way.
It will be structured around two main stages:
- Knowledge building about the EU. Young individuals will be given the keys to decipher the fundamentals about the EU and give a fair view of its institutions, values, geography, history, voting system, members – past, present and potential ones…as well as up to date, reliable content about EU’s agenda and challenges.
- Action taking. Following a training process, the youth will be given the opportunity to voice their opinions and share their ideas with policy makers for their Europe of tomorrow and a better education about Europe.
The results:
The following tools will be developed:
- Creation of micro learnings to convey 1st level knowledge and general information about the EU + Creation of a learning platform on EU + creation of a simple, ready-to-use activity guide aimed at youth workers to present the EU in a dynamic way.
- Two pan-European campaigns, to become yearly actions, a Shadow Cabinet, an Ideathon to shape young people’s Europe of tomorrow.
- Youth recommendations to policy makers for a better education on Europe in the youth field.