Fight against early school leaving thanks to non-formal education.
Project period: september 2018 – february 2021
Target group: direct target audience: secondary school teachers and members of the educational community at large
Indirect target audience: students
Coordinator: Pistes Solidaires (France)
Partners of the project: Rosa Parks College (France), Gulbene Municipality (Latvia), Centro per lo Sviluppo creativo Danilo Dolci (Italy), Istituto superiore “Duca Abruzzi – Libera Grassi” (Italy), Know and Can association (Bulgaria), 119 secondary school “Academician Mihail Arnaudov” (Bulgaria), University College Leuven-Limburg (Belgium)
Website: see the website
The project in short
The DROP’IN project aims at preventing Early School Leaving (ESL) by building on the relationship between teachers and pupils and introducing non-formal education methods within a formal system, such as school, with the aim of motivating students and making them protagonists in their learning process. The relationship between teacher and pupil as the strongest conditioning factor of school commitment and achievement of objectives. DROP’IN, for this reason, makes teachers the main participants in an exchange of experiences and skills allowing to find new solutions and strategies to address ESL and prevent it.
The objectives
The main objectives of the project is :
– To create an innovative approach by taking advantage of the complementary use of formal and non-formal education methods to combat early school leaving.
– To train teachers on non-formal education techniques and methods to be used in the classroom with their students
– To motivate and support students and make them protagonists of their learning path
– To introduce non-formal methods in schools through cross-sectorial collaboration between organisations, universities and public institutions and municipalities.
The results
DROP’IN has provided two key results:
The catalogue of non-formal education methods “EDUC’ACTION” is a toolkit that contains several non-formal education methods that could be used in formal and non-formal settings. Each tool can be adapted to different disciplines. The general goal of this alternative tool is to enhance the capacities of the facilitators & teachers to stimulate active engagement, and to maintain sustainable motivation for learning among students by applying non-formal education methods in a classroom environment.
The catalogue offers non-formal education methods that teachers, career counsellors, support staff, and youth workers can use in their daily work – in various subjects, classroom meetings, and school life. It is divided into 6 topics based on the needs recognized by the teachers involved in the project while working with students, according to Drop ‘Insight research findings:
- Ice Breaker, Team building, and Get to Know Each Other
- Being Yourself, Self-esteem, Self-confidence, and Self-awareness
- Team Building, Feeling of Equality, and Active Participation
- Building up Your Own Environment and Taking Responsibility for It
- The Importance of Education and Motivation to Learn
- Learn to Say NO!
DROP’IN ACTION is an online portfolio that brings together the experiences of teachers and students using non-formal techniques at the school system level
This e-portfolio gathers the different experimentations done by the teachers involved in the project when they used the Educ’Action methods in their classrooms.
This e-portfolio offers a possibility to understand how one method can be adapted and used in several disciplines to fulfill the learning objectives of the educational staff.